In order to be sure you are in a rock solid network marketing company, the company should meet the following 7 Pillars of Success. If it doesn’t you will either not succeed or your company may not succeed. Your company may even steal your check. If your company can not meet all 7 pillars, then you should save yourself years of frustration and failure and find a better opportunity.
1.) Company: Does the company management have rock solid experience? The founders need both “corporate” experience as well as “in the field” experience. The corporate office has to have the infrastructure to support the growth, provide the products, as well as having the experience and knowledge of having built a network marketing company in the past.
2.) High Integrity: High integrity is needed or commissions won’t be paid when you become a big earner. Some companies even change their structure from being a network marketing company to stop paying their distributors. Examine closely clauses in the policies and procedures regarding terminating a distributorship.
Research the founders and find out if any of them were in a company before and if they changed the structure of their companies in the past to do away with paying their distributors.
3.) Timing: Timing in the company. Timing in the profession of network marketing. Timing within national and global trends. Is the company in the early stages of growth? Is it advancing into other countries? Do the products focus on a huge expanding market which is projected to grow within the next few years?
4.) Products: Will people buy these products even without a compensation plan attached to them?
Are the products unique, remarkable, high quality, consumable products, with sizzle, all at a price point that makes them easy to share with others? Or are the prices high in order to pay everyone in the marketing plan?
5.) Compensation Plan: A compensation plan that rewards the top builders as well as fairly rewarding the
Part-time person. Most companies do not reward the average part-time person. In most companies unless you become a big builder, you will lose money. Look to see if part-timers are rewarded for their results also.
6.) Proven System: A “proven” duplicable system that allows part-time people to create a significant royalty income and full-time people to create an extraordinary royalty income. Most people claim to have a duplicable system, but if it was duplicable more people would be successful with it. There needs to be leadership teams with proven systems of duplication, with coaching, training, skill development, partnership and unprecedented support.
7.) The company must be for the distributors: The bulk of the profits should go to the distributors, not stock holders or company owners. The company should keep the overhead low. Does your company advertise a big building, or a lot of corporate personnel on the company website? I was formerly involved with a travel company that bragged about its big building it built. Why does an online travel company need a big building? No wonder it stopped paying a lot of commissions that was suppose to go to its distributors.
When evaluating a network marketing company, you must take into account all 7 “Pillars of Success”. Without all 7 pillars, your success may be temporary through no fault of your own.
I modified this article from Freedom Magazine. If you like this type of info and would like for me to send you a copy of the latest issue of Freedom Magazine, then send me a request with your contact info.
Monday, September 28, 2009
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