Sunday, August 23, 2009

3 Ways to Use NLP in Goal Setting

Here is are 3 ways to use NLP in goal setting.
1.) Decide what do you want to achieve in a reasonable amount of time. What I learned from studying NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is that you should not think about what you don't want but, think about what you do want. Your subconscious mind does not create in terms of negative wants but will in fact will work to give you your negative result. For example tell yourself do not think about a white rabbit. You pictured a white rabbit in your mind didn't you?

2.) Use positive self talk. Don't tell yourself in self talk "I don't want to be fat", because your mind will be programmed to make yourself fat. Instead your self talk should be, if you are using the present tense, "I am healthy", "I am releasing (state how much weight you are releasing)", "I am physically active", "I am an athletic", "I am attractive", "I am thin", “I am successful,” etc. You can use the future tense, " I will be...", etc.

3.) Visualize your goals as already achieved.
For example if you want to lose weight or be healthier, use visual imagery too see yourself thinner and healthier. A NLP technique is to "associate" your images you are visualizing by seeing the world through your own eyes looking out of your new body and seeing what the world would be like in your new body. What do you see yourself doing from the view point of your eyes looking out. Involve your senses in this imagery. What do you see, hear, smell, and feel in your new healthy environment of new activities you are doing? Feel how proud you are and the warmth of your family and friends interacting in new activities with you. Imagine the smiles and looks of approval as people are looking back at you in a new way while you are looking at them.
You can also "disassociate" your imagery by imagining you are looking at yourself and you are seeing yourself and seeing your new healthy, attractive, and thinner body. What does your new clothes look like? What expression do you see on your face? How is your posture standing, walking? Watch yourself doing new activities and the expressions of other people as they interact with you. Involve your senses, feelings, etc. as you did when you associated your imagery.

Use the 3 ways to use NLP in goal setting, decide what you do want, use self talk to declare who you are, visualize your goals as already achieved.

Monday, August 17, 2009

12 Ways Of Handling The Objection The Price Is Too High

Because products or services do not sell themselves and customers raise objections that need to be answered; opportunity is created for the skilled salesperson to earn salary or commission. Handling the price is too high objection is a sales skill that must be mastered by the professional salesperson, especially if they are selling high end products or services. Product here could also be a business opportunity. Here are 12 ways of handling the objection the price is too high.

1.) Answer the common objections during the sales presentation. If the salesperson believes the price is too high and other common objections for their industry are likely too occur, then the best way to handle it is the raise the objection and answer it during the presentation.

2.) Use a good well rehearsed sales script. A good sales script will eliminate most objections before the close, and may contain a trial close, and keep the salesperson from saying and doing the wrong thing. If you need more help obtaining a sales script or more information then contact me.

3.) Tell a success story about a customer who had the same objection and explain how the product or service was successful in solving their problem.

4.) If the customer asks about price too soon before value is built, postpone stating the price until the benefits are built up to increase value to exceed the cost. It is more important to explain benefits then features.

5.) If a big package is being sold, then maybe a smaller package option can be offered to lower price.

6.) Financial options can be discussed.

7.) Show what the cost is in smaller increments such as per month, per week, per day.

8.) Compare the price to other vendors or service providers if their price or value can be beat.

9.) Compare using the product or service to what the customer is currently doing and how the customer can save money or increase the customer’s value or service using the product or service.

10.) Offer a guarantee to reverse the risk away from the consumer.

11.) If the objection is constantly being raised then the salesperson should do a better job of target marketing for wealthier prospects before setting the appointment for the sales presentation.

12.) If in fact the price is actually too high for its value and benefits then the sales person should change company or industry.

As a member of the National Association of Professional Salespeople I have agreed to only offer quality products and services that are competitively priced to qualified customers and clients.

The NAPS can be contacted at P.O. Box 2481, Placerville, Ca 95667-2481, (800)248-3555

Sunday, August 16, 2009

12 Ways To Be The Expert In Your Niche

By Gary Sager

Find something you are interested in knowing about and other people will be interested in it too. Here are 12 ways to be the expert in your niche and direct traffic to your website.
1.) Make your name known on the internet. Search for your name on,, and How do you rank? What page are you on? Search for your name with quote marks and without quote marks. Most people will search for you without quote marks.
2.) Set a Google alert for your name so you will be alerted if someone mentions your name.
3.) Own your own URL with your
4.) Have your own branded website. You can get an inexpensive branded website and logo from
5.) Start your own blog and update consistently, preferably every week. You can link to your blog from your own branded website or forward your own name URL to your blog, and make your blog your primary website. If you are new to blogging and want to learn, you can start with a free blog hosting at or After you’ve gained experience you can pay a small fee to host your blog on a commercial hosting site. This will give you control of your data. And prevent being shutdown from being too commercial or some misunderstanding. There was an incident where Blogger shut down several bloggers mistakenly for being spammers. Bloggers temporally lost access to their blogs.
6.) Read my blog post from my Success Blog about how to generate backlinks and use Social Bookmarking to position your sites as authority sites for search engines.
7.) Sign up for free social media sites and post your public profile in sites like,,, If you vary each profile a little, search engines may think your are a different person at these sites and list more of your profiles on the first page.
8.) Write articles for is the best site to write articles for. It is big and search engines consider an authority site and you will have links and traffic back to you. If you want an alternative you can submit articles to
9.) Do Keyword research for your articles, headlines, blog posts.
10.) Use Latent Syntax Indexing when you write articles and blog posts.
11.) Comeback to read more blog posts and articles to teach the above.
12.) Contact me to get access codes for team training on all the above.

Be passionate about your niche and these 12 ways to be the expert will get you there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Google and Social Book Marking: Your Keys to Backlinks and Traffic To Your Websites

By Gary Sager

When your website has good content and Google sees other websites with similar interest have links to your website or blog post then Google and other search engines will believe your site is an important site. Google will give your site a higher rating in its searches and traffic will be directed to your site from searches and inbound links from other sites. These in links are called back links. When you link out to another website, it is called an out link. To rank higher in Google it is better to have more back links to your site then to have more out links. So if your site is new, I think it would be better to not have affiliate links out if you are not making money on them. When your site has several back links and you are getting the benefit of more traffic then it makes sense to have some good affiliates to generate income.

Likewise when you write posts for you’re your blog don’t have a lot of buy links that takes one away to your retail site. You can have a buy button/link on a sidebar your customers can go to so you don’t have excessive out links to make sales. This also better so your customers don’t feel pressured to buy and quit coming to your site and customers will still continue to get good benefit from your posts. The same can be said about your business opportunity if you are a blogger. If you blogs are all about your opportunity and not about building relationships and adding value, people will stop coming to your blog and will be afraid to link to your site.

The old method to get back links is to go to other blogs and forums to leave comments and to link back to your website. This is a slow process. A good and effective way to back link is to join Social Book marking sites like,,,, etc. There are many of these social marking sites and their services are free. These sites allow you to link to your and your friends sites and blog posts, videos, etc. You create a profile at these sites, add friends, etc. but the important thing is to promote your site by a “digg” on Digg and “prop” on Propeller. You submit an URL and write a brief description and pick a category so friends will know why they should go to your site or blog post. You can digg or prop any of your own sites and also other news stories that are interesting. You need to submit other sites so these services won’t think you are only promoting yourself. The other members of these social marking sites will digg or prop your picks too. Even if your submission doesn’t become the most popular you will have created a good quality back link and will have promoted your site there. If others find you have listed interesting stories and keep looking at your submissions you will have increased chances they will check your URLs out too.

What search engines are looking for are that there are back links by people with different IP address and social book marking accomplishes this. Don’t make the mistake of creating several Digg accounts and point them to your website because eventually you will get caught and lose your account. Likewise don’t create a bunch of websites to link to your sites or just one website that has lots of links to your website as that is artificial because when Google finds these sites have the same IP address you will be blacklisted. It is ok if you have a few other websites that have just two or three links. Don’t just make a share exchange were you and others equally have websites that link to each others as Google won’t give much credit to that, unless you all join social book marking services using their IP address. This might work a little while, until Google figures it out, if you and others have similar themes, such as Health and Wellness, Weight Loss, Business Building Tips, etc. There is also the problem of free loaders who want all the links to them but they won’t link to you. I know where you can get a free back link tool that will create a list of people who will do this, if you are interested in trying it, but I think it is a bad idea. Traffic Exchanges are set up to create back links but Traffic Exchanges will create back links that are not related in content and if you grow back links too fast and when Google catches on you will be downgraded. Bottom line is we are in it for the long haul and we should keep to best practices.

There are two more social book marking sites that will speed up your book marking tremendously, and These two free sites will allow you to book mark to several book marking services in a hurry. At social you can post to 50 social sites, and social has 79 social websites. Go to one of these two sites and see the list. In order to post to the social sites listed you will have to pre join the social sites. This will be a project to work on whenever you can to join the various sites. You start by choosing the ‘best” sites button on social or “top” button on social Join the best ones first then gradually add the others if you want. When I started doing it I found some of the sites weren’t taking new members because they were upgrading or improving their site, etc. Keep it simple and use the same username, password, email so you won’t forget or have to keep track of different info. You can always go back and update your profile with more detail later with copy and paste.

If you want to put an icon button on your browser, Firefox allows you to drag the icon to its menu bar. There is information on how to do this with Explorer too, it is just easier with Firefox.

I learned a lot of this information from a recorded call hosted by Don Standard from the Mentoring For Free group and by doing what I just wrote about. If you like this kind of training keep coming back to my blog and submit this article to the social sites. The Mentoring For Free info is listed on the sidebar of my blog.